Header art by Robert Joseph Moreau

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Mira N Mataric

 Love Objects

This room is my long-lasting friend

it remembers me since I bought the apartment

when my only daughter

was about to have her first baby,

my first grandchild.


It was quite close to Caltech

where my son-in-law served as a professor,

close enough for me to baby sit the new born

and during his lunch break

bring his new baby to see her daddy.


That baby now is 22 years old

and out of all my rooms

I chose this one for my bedroom,

next to the balcony

with a view of the garden.


In that room I have a double bed

on which I used to put the baby

to change her diapers and take a nap

and later, I baby-sat three of them,

either separately or together,

they loved to jump on the bed

and laugh with great glee.

It became quite well used

and abused with their little feet.


As time passed by, they grew up

and I bought a new mattress, thinking

nobody would be jumping any more.

It was hard to give up my old friend

that mattress that held so many memories

so I sent it to the home of my grandchildren

where it continued to create new memories.


My three grandchildren are all young adults

and now the mattress is treated differently. Retired.

They still talk about their fun and love

for that patient and resilient old mattress

recalling a host of memories

from that love object.

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