Header art by Robert Joseph Moreau

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Emil "Gene" Schultz

It just won’t fit

Most of the things I really love

just will not fit in my pocket.

The long thin red-orange arms

the mighty ocotillo that line

the highway on the drive to Phoenix

like flaming torches across the desert floor

I carry their beauty in my heart and mind

because they will not fit into my pocket.


An ornately colored Cactus Wren comes to rest

inside a wide golden ring of bright yellows flowers

that encircle the top edges of a short barrel cactus.

their splendor fills my eyes with wonder and heart with joy

The bird growing restless looks and me and flies away

and the cactus just will not fit into my pocket

so I file it away in my memory with all the others.


Nature has always provided a source of wonder and awe

from that that first snow flake to the raging rivers,

to the long line of white capped waves extending

as far as you can see caressing the waiting shoreline

to the mighty cliff side dwellings of Mesa Verde and

the Pit-houses that preceded them truly a sight to see.


Even though I find so many wonderful things

in this spectacular garden in which we live

Nature continues to capture my awe and my love.


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