Header art by Robert Joseph Moreau

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Beth Baird

Ode to a Temporary Relationship


Two years ago we met

A relationship not meant to last


I grew to depend on you

Constant companion

A font of knowledge

Answering my every question


Good times spent together

You entertained me with music, videos, games


You documented my existence

We took photos capturing moments

From our 753 days together


For this and more, I thank you


But now you lie in state

I felt your energy slipping away

You could not hold your charge any longer


So regretfully I go

To ship away your remains

You left me no choice

I must replace you

For another phone

Beth Baird, BA Theater Arts, UCLA, is a poet, songwriter, musician, singer, writer, and actress. She has written more than 30 songs, numerous poems, and is currently completing her chap book, Love and Other Myths.  Her poetry appears in Altadena Poetry Review (Golden Foothills Press), Altadena Literary Review (Shabda Press),  We Are Here: Village Poets Anthology (Moonrise Press), Spectrum Publishing, Dark Street (Garavi  Sokak, Miroslav Antic Poetry Club), and On Sunday the Danube Flows (Serbian Writer’s  Association). Beth read at the 2018 International Writer’s Meeting in Belgrade, and toured with fellow poets throughout Serbia. She is a nominee for the Pushcart Prize for 2021.

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