Header art by Robert Joseph Moreau

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Rick Leddy


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The Collector


She collects love and beauty

The inspiration of ideas

Brought into the world whole

Glass and wood and paper

Inspiration unleashed

Demiurgic knickknacks

The ghosts of creation solidified

Now scattered on the floor

Ready to be packed away

The shine of them vibrating the lives

Of artists she does not even know

I never fully comprehended

Her need to bring them home

To revel in the spark

And bask in the shared joy

Of thought born into the world

But I do tonight in this quiet magic hour

Alone with these lovely strewn I-Ching remnants

Finally making sense and whispering to me

These things are not just things
that tug at her heart and bring her happiness

But celebrations of light

A refutation of the darkness

Quiet beacons resting on shelves and windowsills and walls

Puzzle pieces of her slotted together

That I never saw whole

Before now

Surrounded by decisions waiting to be made
then placed in cardboard boxes

These things that are not just objects

But her

Loving the world

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